Jan 26, 2024 | Health, Mental Health, Newsletter, Telepsychiatry
In today’s fast-paced world, mental health has become an increasingly critical concern, with its impact extending beyond individual well-being to affect economic productivity and overall societal health. This article delves into the revolutionary changes in...
Jan 24, 2024 | Mental Health, Newsletter, Telepsychiatry
What is telepsychiatry? Telepsychiatry is a form of mental health care that allows patients to receive psychiatric evaluations, therapy, and medication management through video conferencing and other telecommunication technologies. This approach enables individuals to...
Jan 10, 2024 | Health, Newsletter, Telepsychiatry
What is telepsychiatry? Telepsychiatry is a form of remote mental health care that allows patients to connect with psychiatrists and therapists via video calls or phone calls. This method of communication can be utilized by individuals who are unable to visit a mental...
Jan 3, 2024 | Health, Mental Health, Newsletter, Telepsychiatry
What is telepsychiatry? Telepsychiatry is a revolutionary form of mental healthcare delivery that utilizes technology to connect psychiatrists with patients remotely forming a powerful connection with the client. Through secure video conferencing platforms,...
Dec 1, 2023 | Health, Newsletter, Telepsychiatry
What is telepsychiatry and how does it work? Telepsychiatry is a method for providing mental health care services remotely through technology, such as video conferencing or phone calls. Instead of visiting a psychiatrist in person, you can have your sessions from the...
Nov 13, 2023 | ADHD, Health, Mental Health, Newsletter, Telepsychiatry
Recent research has unveiled a potential link between adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and an increased risk of dementia. This discovery holds significant implications for psychiatry and mental health care. As a leading telepsychiatry healthcare...